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Milfont Abstract: Climate change denial is motivated in part by ideology, with research showing that a greater tolerance of social inequality is consistently linked to lower pro-environmentalism. We report findings from two mixed-methods studies. In Study One, we provide insight into how individuals with varying levels of social dominance orientation discuss environmental issues by analyzing 59 interviews. These analyses revealed that many individuals were concerned about the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to climate change; however, many were also armed with justifications excusing their and others’ inaction on the problem. To establish further how the ideas shared in the interviews related to social dominance, we reworked the ideas into statements for survey-based research in Study Two. Social dominance orientation and its composite dimensions related to most interview-based statements, with those scoring higher on dominance attitudes more opposed to top-down action on climate change, and those more tolerant of inequality more opposed to individual action. We discuss implications for climate change communication. 2. Title: The climate change mitigation impacts of active travel: Evidence from a longitudinal panel study in seven European cities Authors: Christian Brand, Thomas Götschi, Evi Dons, Regine Gerike, ... Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen Abstract: Active travel (walking or cycling for transport) is considered the most sustainable and low carbon form of getting from A to B. Yet the net effects of changes in active travel on changes in mobility-related CO2 emissions are complex and under-researched. Here we collected longitudinal data on daily travel behavior, journey purpose, as well as personal and geospatial characteristics in seven European cities and derived mobility-related lifecycle CO2 emissions over time and space. Statistical modelling of longitudinal panel (n = 1849) data was performed to assess how changes in active travel, the ‘main mode’ of daily travel, and cycling frequency influenced changes in mobility-related lifecycle CO2 emissions. We found that changes in active travel have significant lifecycle carbon emissions benefits, even in European urban contexts with already high walking and cycling shares. An increase in cycling or walking consistently and independently decreased mobility-related lifecycle CO2 emissions, suggesting that active travel substituted for motorized travel – i.e. the increase was not just additional (induced) travel over and above motorized travel. To illustrate this, an average person cycling 1 trip/day more and driving 1 trip/day less for 200 days a year would decrease mobility-related lifecycle CO2 emissions by about 0.5 tonnes over a year, representing a substantial share of average per capita CO2 emissions from transport. The largest benefits from shifts from car to active travel were for business purposes, followed by social and recreational trips, and commuting to work or place of education. Changes to commuting emissions were more pronounced for those who were younger, lived closer to work and further to a public transport station. Even if not all car trips could be substituted by active travel the potential for decreasing emissions is considerable and significant. The study gives policy and practice the empirical evidence needed to assess climate change mitigation impacts of urban transport measures and interventions aimed at mode shift to more sustainable modes of transport. Investing in and promoting active travel whilst ‘demoting’ private car ownership and use should be a cornerstone of strategies to meet ‘net zero’ carbon targets, particularly in urban areas, while also reducing inequalities and improving public health and quality of urban life in a post-COVID-19 world. 3. Title: Changing environment and development institutions to enable payments for ecosystem services: The role of institutional work Authors: Benjamin S. Thompson, Jack L. Harris Abstract: Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are increasingly promoted as nature-based solutions to climate, environmental, and business challenges. While participation in PES schemes is mandated in countries such as China, Costa Rica, and Vietnam, it remains unclear how PES schemes emerge in countries devoid of national mandates. This article investigates how actors have attempted institutional change to enable PES, by reinterpreting or adapting national laws, policies, and plans. We present an analytical framework theorising how geographical variations in (1) institutional frameworks, and (2) actor capabilities, dictate which institutions actors attempt to change. We then apply this framework to multi-scalar actors and institutions in Thailand and the Philippines. Our empirics reveal the types of institutional work that actors perform such as advocacy, education, mimicry, and networking, and demonstrate how this creates legal and discursive support, and improves stakeholder awareness and acceptance of PES as an environmental management strategy. Eight formal institutions are shown to have undergone change to enable PES across these countries, including those related to indigenous people, energy production, protected areas, pollution control, carbon offsetting, and decentralised governance. We show institutional change to be a geographical and contextual process that requires actors to match the right types of institutional work, with the right mechanism of institutional change, and a suitable target institution if they are to be successful in effecting change. Yet, we also report failed attempts, and explain how informal cultural norms act as challenges to formal institutional change. Through our comparative analysis of multiple institutions, actors, and national settings, we identify trends and make recommendations with global relevance to PES scholars and practitioners, and that can aid other initiatives that seek to address climate change and promote environmental sustainability. 4. Title: Impact of a climate network: The role of intermediaries in local level climate action Authors: Santtu Karhinen, Juha Peltomaa, Venla Riekkinen, Laura Saikku Abstract: Local governments have set highly ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction targets on a strategic level, in some cases influenced by intermediary networks. Yet, the quantitative impacts of climate strategies or the sharing of best practices on emissions still remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of an intermediary network on municipal greenhouse gas emissions. This was done through an econometric analysis of the emissions of municipalities that are members of the Finnish Hinku (Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities) network, and through comprehensive qualitative interviews conducted in 40 of those municipalities. Our quantitative results show that Hinku network membership has successfully led to the lowering of greenhouse gas emission levels in participating municipalities. The qualitative interviews suggest that this is due to systematic local level climate work, enhanced by network membership. The network functions as an intermediary in two ways: by providing expertise and enabling peer-support. In addition, it has also succeeded in legitimising local level climate action. Ambitious local level climate action can also affect the ambition of national climate policy, which in turn may reflect on the amount resources allocated to local climate action. 5. Title: Understanding interlinkages between long-term trajectory of exposure and vulnerability, path dependency and cascading impacts of disasters in Saint-Martin (Caribbean) Authors: Virginie K.E. Duvat, Natacha Volto, Lucile Stahl, Annabelle Moatty, ... Valentin Pillet Abstract: This empirical and interdisciplinary study investigates the contribution of deeply enrooted social-political factors to the accumulation of exposure and vulnerability and amplification of cascading impacts of disasters, with implications on the creation and reinforcement of path dependency maintaining social-ecological systems on a maladaptive trajectory. Applying the Trajectory of Exposure and Vulnerability approach to Saint-Martin (Caribbean), we more specifically highlight how the causal chain linking historical geopolitical and political-institutional drivers to legal, economic, demographic, sociocultural, planning-related and environmental drivers, created the accumulation of exposure and vulnerability over time and contributed to the propagation and amplification of the impacts of tropical cyclones Irma and José in 2017. We find that historical social-political dynamics involving unsustainable development and settlement patterns, the weakness of local institutions, population mistrust in public authorities, high social inequalities and environmental degradation maintained Saint-Martin on a maladaptive trajectory through powerful reinforcing mechanisms operating both between and during cyclonic events. This study demonstrates that long-term interdisciplinary approaches are required for a better understanding of path dependency and the identification of levers to break it in risk-prone contexts. In Saint-Martin, breaking path dependency requires the alignment of local institutional capacities with national risk reduction policies, the promotion of social justice and involvement of local communities in decision making. This study therefore confirms the relevance of backward-looking approaches to support forward-looking climate adaptation. 6. Title: Explaining Growing Glyphosate Use: The Political Economy of Herbicide-Dependent Agriculture Authors: Jennifer Clapp Abstract: The growing use of chemical herbicides for weed control has become a dominant feature of modern industrial agriculture and a major environmental and health concern in agricultural systems worldwide. This paper seeks to explain how and why glyphosate-based agricultural herbicides have become so entrenched in modern agriculture. It shows that a complex interplay among technological, market, and regulatory developments have encouraged a lock-in of glyphosate linked technologies in agricultural systems. These are: (1) the repurposing of glyphosate for use with genetically modified crops; (2) the rise of the generic glyphosate market, which globalized the chemical’s use and encouraged new agricultural uses; (3) new technologies such as digital agriculture and genome editing that interface with glyphosate use; and (4) growing corporate market power and declining public investment in agricultural research programs that constrained innovation in non-herbicide weed control technologies. 7. Title: Towards a better understanding of gendered power in small scale fisheries of the Western Indian Ocean Authors: Michael Murunga Abstract: Scholarship on gender in fisheries is not new. However, while there are many studies on the context and politics of gender and fisheries, understanding how power influences gender equality remains understudied, especially in the Western Indian Ocean. Based on evidence gathered from an interdisciplinary set of literature, including sectoral policies, this article provides nuanced insight at rethinking - how gendered-power dynamics constrain and enable choices and opportunities for addressing gender inequality in small-scale fisheries. Compelling evidence shows that a gendered-power dynamic is crucial for renegotiating gender equality with social norms and politics, including challenging simplistic views on poverty, vulnerability, and subordination of women. The article presents a latent chance for greater reflexivity among development practitioners, researchers, and policymakers on the politics of and transformation towards gender equality in small-scale fisheries. 8. Title: Gender, ethnicity and vulnerability to climate change: The case of matrilineal and patrilineal societies in Bamenda Highlands Region, Cameroon Authors: Matilda N. Azong, Clare J. Kelso Abstract: Intersectionality is gaining credence in explaining the complexities in rural women’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. This study is framed on the assumption that rural women are likely to be affected differently by climate change due to cultural differences. The life history approach was utilised to conduct empirical research in the Bamenda Highlands Region, Cameroon on ethnicity and differential effects of climate change among female farmers in the communities of Kom and Oku representing a matrilineal and patrilineal communities respectively. The research found that single and married women in both matrilineal and patrilineal societies experienced similar patterns of vulnerability relating to socio-economic and cultural discrimination stemming from patriarchal dominance. However, the study also highlighted that contrary to other communities women are not more economically empowered under matrilineal systems than their counterparts in patrilineal societies. In contrast, widows in patrilineal societies were found to have more autonomy in the control of land and other resources than those in matrilineal societies. The study contributes to growing interest in the cultural dimensions of vulnerability to climate change and recommends the inclusion of cultural perspectives in the design and implementation of adaption policies, programs and actions. 9. Title: Environmental stress and agricultural landownership in Africa Authors: Andrew M. Linke, Andreas Forø Tollefsen Abstract: We examine how weather variability affects agricultural landownership rates in Africa, where at least half of the population depends on agriculture to earn a livelihood. In the absence of effective adaptation strategies, households that experience difficulties farming due to environmental stress might leave their land. With implications for demography – through migration – and political instability – when affected populations express grievances – changing landownership patterns could make existing development challenges on the continent even more difficult. We test our hypothesis that drier than average growing seasons will reduce landownership rates using Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Our DHS dataset includes interviews with 850,961 households in 35 African countries between 2005 and 2017. Compared to regions experiencing weather near the historical average, those with five consecutive dry growing seasons before the DHS experienced a 6.93% decline in the landownership rate. For every additional dry growing season during the five years before each survey, the landownership rate fell by 1.38%. A host of robustness checks support our general conclusion that drying conditions are associated with lower landownership rates. 10. Title: Negative-emissions technology portfolios to meet the 1.5/ °C target Authors: O. Rueda, J.M. Mogollón, A. Tukker, L. Scherer Abstract: Our carbon-intensive economy has led to an average temperature rise of 1/ °C since pre-industrial times. As a consequence, the world has seen increasing droughts, significant shrinking of the polar ice caps, and steady sea-level rise. To stall these issues worsening further, we must limit global warming to 1.5/ °C. In addition to the economy s decarbonization, this endeavour requires the use of negative-emissions technologies (NETs) that remove the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, from the atmosphere. While techno-economic feasibility alone has driven the definition of negative-emissions solutions, NETs’ diverse, far-reaching implications demand a more holistic assessment. Here, we present a comprehensive framework, integrating NETs’ critical performance aspects of feasibility, effectiveness, and side impacts, to define the optimal technology mix within realistic outlooks. The resulting technology portfolios provide a useful new benchmark to compare carbon avoidance and removal measures and deliberately choose the best path to solve the climate emergency. 11. Title: Water, energy and land insecurity in global supply chains Authors: Oliver Taherzadeh, Mike Bithell, Keith Richards Abstract: National consumption of goods and services is met by domestic production and international trade. As a result, countries and sectors exert pressure on natural resources both within and beyond their national borders. Where this resource demand is imposed matters to the effective management of global resource insecurity. Although instructive, the ‘resource footprint’ of a country or sector – a common yardstick to assess the sustainability of consumption – does not distinguish its origin of production and associated resource risk. As a result, the source and severity of global resource insecurity remains poorly understood. To understand how resource use connects different actors within the global economy, the water, energy and land footprints of 189 countries and 14838 country sectors are analysed by source (domestic, macro-regional and remote) and risk (high, medium and low). Linking national consumption to source reveals countries and sectors are highly exposed, directly (via domestic production) and indirectly (via imports), to over-exploited, insecure, and degraded water, energy, and land resources. However, countries and sectors exhibit greater exposure to resource risks via international trade (80–90%), mainly from remote production sources. Within this context, countries and sectors share the same sources of resource supply and risk, highlighting an opportunity to manage their resource security by intervening in upstream global supply chains. Nevertheless, our findings also invite critical reflection on whether globalisation is compatible with managing risks countries face and drive across the global water-energy-land system. 12. Title: Evaluating bundles of interventions to prevent peat-fires in Indonesia Authors: Rachel Carmenta, Aiora Zabala, Bambang Trihadmojo, David Gaveau, ... Jacob Phelps Abstract: The carbon-dense peatlands of Indonesia are a landscape of global importance undergoing rapid land-use change. Here, peat drained for agricultural expansion increases the risk of large-scale uncontrolled fires. Several solutions to this complex environmental, humanitarian and economic crisis have been proposed, such as forest protection measures and agricultural support. However, numerous programmes have largely failed. Bundles of interventions are proposed as promising strategies in integrated approaches, but what policy interventions to combine and how to align such bundles to local conditions remains unclear. We evaluate the impact of two types of interventions and of their combinations, in reducing fire occurrence through driving behavioural change: incentives (i.e. rewards that are conditional on environmental performance), and deterrents (e.g. sanction, soliciting concerns for health). We look at the impact of these interventions in 10 villages with varying landscape and fire-risk contexts in Sumatra, Indonesia. A private-led implementation of a standardised programme allows us to study outcome variability through a natural experiment design. We conduct a systematic cross-case comparison to identify the most effective combinations of interventions, using#%-.058:;<>G´µ½¾õíÜʻʻʻ¬‰tfXKf@Xhicy5OJQJ^JhjŒ5OJQJ^Jo(h.h.5OJQJ^JhÌ"èhU<¬5OJQJ^Jh·uD5OJQJ^Jo(hÌ"èhÌ"èo(&hÌ"èhÌ"è5CJOJQJ^JaJo(hL%î5CJOJQJ^JaJh 2e5CJOJQJ^JaJh.5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hÌ"èhÌ"è5CJOJQJ^JaJ h$-Ó5CJOJQJ^JaJo(#h.h.5CJOJQJ^JaJ;<=µöj k ï MÌÍSh i É !7&8&é&J'@.÷÷òíííèèããÞèÙÙÙèÔÔÔÏÊÊÏgdÐpsgd)w¤gd$?ÃgdToŸgd.gdßl$gd%j,gdU<¬gdÌ"è$a$gdt4õöÿ i j k l n t u î ï ÷ ø LMVW#$;<ËÌÍóå×ʼ±¤å–¤ˆx–¤ˆx–jÊ`Ê`ÊRGh%j,5OJQJo(hihU<¬OJQJ^Jo(häsOJQJ^Jhihßl$OJQJ^Jo(hvI¼hßl$5OJQJ^Jo(h.h.5OJQJ^Jhßl$hßl$5OJQJ^Jhßl$5OJQJ^Jo(hjŒ5OJQJo(hiht4OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^JhihjŒOJQJ^Jo(hÌ"èhU<¬5OJQJ^Jht45OJQJ^Jo(ÍÎÏÐÖ×RS[\€Š‹g h i j l r s È É óåÞÐó²Ðó²Ф—ŠrdVIÂ9hvI¼h$?Ã5OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ã5OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh$?Ã5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh%j,5OJQJ^Jhs/Ê5OJQJ^Jo(h%j,5OJQJo(hihaNOJQJ^Jh.h.OJQJ^Jh» )hToŸOJQJ^Jo(hvI¼hToŸ5OJQJ^Jo(h.h.5OJQJ^JhToŸhToŸ5OJQJ^J hToŸhToŸhÌ"èhÒ`Œ5OJQJ^JhToŸ5OJQJ^Jo(É Ñ Ò !!!!6&7&8&9&;&A&B&è&é&ñ&ò&I'J'S'ñäÖÆñ¸«’…wi…Ö[i…ÖK=h$?Ãh)w¤5OJQJ^JhvI¼h)w¤5OJQJ^Jo(hvI¼hÐps5OJQJ^JhÐpshÐps5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh)w¤5OJQJ^JhÐps5OJQJ^Jo(h)w¤5OJQJo(hvI¼h%j,OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^Jh» )h$?ÃOJQJ^Jo(hvI¼h$?Ã5OJQJ^Jo(h.h.5OJQJ^Jh$?Ã5OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh$?Ã5OJQJ^JS'T'?.@.A.B.D.J.K.¦.§.¯.°.¾.¿.È.É.©2ª2«2¬2®2´2µ23ñäÖ˾°¢¾”†¢x”hZñäÖËM°?M”h|ÿh|ÿ5OJQJ^Jh|ÿ5OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh)w¤5OJQJ^JhvI¼h)w¤5OJQJ^Jo(hvI¼hvI¼5OJQJ^JhvI¼hr7A5OJQJ^Jh.h.5OJQJ^Jhr7Ahr7A5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh)w¤5OJQJ^Jhr7A5OJQJ^Jo(h)w¤5OJQJo(hvI¼h)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^Jh}Onh)w¤OJQJ^Jo(@.A.§.¿.ª2«234377«7Õ7D=E==¾=NCPCìC\DkJlJ±JêJnQoQúõõúúððúúëëúúææúúááúúÜÜúúgdóSågdÿ_gdLz¥gd)ggd|ÿgdr7Agd)w¤33$33343=3>37777777ª7«7³7´7Ô7Õ7Þ7ß7C=D=E=ñãÕÅ·©œŽƒvhZvÕLZvÕÅ·>œŽƒhih)w¤OJQJ^Jo(hvI¼h)g5OJQJ^Jh)gh)g5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh)w¤5OJQJ^Jh)g5OJQJ^Jo(h)w¤5OJQJo(hvI¼h)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^Jh}Onh)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh)w¤5OJQJ^JhvI¼h)w¤5OJQJ^Jo(h.h.5OJQJ^Jh|ÿh|ÿ5OJQJ^JhvI¼h|ÿ5OJQJ^JE=F=H=N=O=Œ==–=½=¾=Ç=È=LCNCPCTCXCdCfCêCóå×ʼ®×¼ž‚ug\óåNA¼hÿ_5OJQJ^Jo(hÿ_hÿ_5OJQJ^Jh)w¤5OJQJo(hvI¼h)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^Jhih)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh)w¤5OJQJ^JhvI¼h)w¤5OJQJ^Jo(hvI¼hLz¥5OJQJ^Jh.h.5OJQJ^JhLz¥5OJQJ^Jo(hLz¥hLz¥5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh)w¤5OJQJ^JhR5OJQJ^Jo(êCìCþCZD\DnDpDjJkJlJnJpJvJwJ°J±J¹JºJéJñãÕÅ·©œŽƒvhZvÕLZ>Õh[h[5OJQJ^Jh[hóSå5OJQJ^JhóSåhóSå5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh)w¤5OJQJ^JhóSå5OJQJ^Jo(h)w¤5OJQJo(h}Onh)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^Jhih)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh)w¤5OJQJ^JhvI¼h)w¤5OJQJ^Jo(h.h.5OJQJ^Jhÿ_hÿ_5OJQJ^JhvI¼hÿ_5OJQJ^JéJêJóJôJmQnQoQqQsQyQzQÀQÁQÉQÊQRR%R&R&WpssðâÔǹ®¡“…¡wi…[wðâMÇKÇ=h.hj<OJQJ^Jo(Uhih)w¤OJQJ^Jo(hÑ9‘h[5OJQJ^Jh[hóSå5OJQJ^Jh.h.5OJQJ^JhóSåhóSå5OJQJ^JhÌ"èh)w¤5OJQJ^JhóSå5OJQJ^Jo(h)w¤5OJQJo(h[h)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h.h.OJQJ^Jh}Onh)w¤OJQJ^Jo(h$?Ãh)w¤5OJQJ^Jh[h)w¤5OJQJ^Jo(oQÁQRsss s s ssssssúúõðîðîðîðîîõgd°gd)w¤gdóSå two-step qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and geospatial and socio-economic survey data (n = 303). We analysed the combined influence of proximate conditions (interventions, e.g. fear of sanction) and remote ones (context; e.g. extent of peat soil) on fire outcomes. We show how, depending on the level of risk in the pre-existing context, certain bundles of interventions are needed to succeed. We found that, despite the programme being framed as rewards-based, people were not responding to the reward alone. Rather sanctions and soliciting concern appeared central to fire prevention, raising important equity implications. Our results contribute to the emerging global interest in peat fire mitigation, and the rapidly developing literature on PES performance.     sss s s sssss÷ó÷ó÷ó÷óåh.hj<OJQJ^Jo(hbçjhbçU 0182P°‚. °ÆA!°"°# $ %°°S°à ©s2ÀÐàð 0@P`p€ÀÐàð2(Øè 0@P`p€ÀÐàð 0@P`p€ÀÐàð 0@P`p€ÀÐàð 0@P`p€ÀÐàð 0@P`p€ÀÐàð 0@P`p€8XøV~ °ÀЀàð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@àð 0@PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`ñÿJ ck‡e $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A òÿ¡$ Øž¤‹µk=„W[SOBióÿ³B nfhˆ&”öÅœâ]®6ïšÒ¨ƒÒN=¼âìInÀ¡¼“a7‰‘²qb&>!"èh [ü¢+Lxêz)ã°óWÃVßOgá%¬Å¢|8Mă#±/øÙ8€è'Øþ=¼žQÁU*áÓCŒ`CÔW{’D6à¹/Ò[ŽœYLßôÚ%¿+ÔünÎ+{…\Ío–sMß/»~±Ði•BcAXô“/=x Eçé'5¾ö&\¼h»4daž©Ï,yE\}†)–lŸaò‹ë•R¯^®·*¹z¹ÙËyV-WoWZ¹N¥]íô:m¿Vï=tCöšå¶WéÖr•b»ó*I¿VÏU½R©éU›µ®×|˜nc`å‰|¤±€ð*^ÛÿÿÿPK! ѐŸ¶'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels„M Â0„÷‚wooÓº‘&݈ЭÔ„ä5 6?$Qìí ®,.‡a¾™i»—Éc2Þ1hª:é•qšÁm¸ìŽ@RN‰Ù;d°`‚Žo7íg‘K(M&$R(.1˜r'J“œÐŠTù€®8£Vä"£¦AÈ»ÐH÷u} ñ›|Å$½b{Õ–Pšÿ³ý8‰g/]þQAsÙ…(¢ÆÌà#›ªLÊ[ººÄßÿÿPK-!éÞ¿ÿ[Content_Types].xmlPK-!¥Ö§çÀ6 0_rels/.relsPK-!ky–ƒŠtheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!þœïfÙ”Ötheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐŸ¶'ã theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]Þ 9Ovÿÿÿÿ õÍÉ S'3E=êCéJss,./013456:@.oQs-27ð@ð @ñÿÿÿ€€€÷ðH ðð0ð( ð ðð’ðð0ð( ð ððB ðS ð¿Ëÿ ?ðãêîõ#)*0>L” š < @ Ž˜‹˜ÒØÙáãçèðò÷ø !ÐÕ[gòú.4CI,+3+ˆ//¿/Ä/11>1E1Ä1Ç1 5¥5¯5³5´5½5;;;!;‘<� <�§<�°<�™=ž=>">Á?Ë?Ò?Ù?CCùEFÑFÙFÛFàFáFçFéFðFñFûFG G®H¸HJJRK^K_KhK“L›LÔMÝM+O-O.O0O1O3O4O6O:O$ & < @ 93D3+O:O333< à +O-O.O0O1O3O4O6O:O# $ ; < *O:OÄ„q04e’†n[G],-¾oÃņØð`<|ö÷O";0RI1%†RrSui‹¢WÂI†= {uò,† Uz*¢mù ˜r=°Ç-9hÅs»–eme†.~ñþ {R†v ¬4†1L2Q —"†i AHA†åoG>ÝU†ß`å1_%V“ÇNH{†÷qÃìUû3†d]-©Z:KKKKn;„q0†<«?*­ 7Տ:Aú¥^Bå ƒl{ œ2HÊ(û#!©qŸ÷m4-cqRrS˜4>¾P]üsaO-Â?†ýYnÏb~i‹(˜ì)ibôô>!]È.†` RV:g&>!†Þ}N!ÔL†Ñ2Ë"â0R†Å\€|†MD-%;åblrBR]“a 6Ji¢ ÃávjÖ`†[JO 5J90†RY ø:[Æ k 3q-r†jx 8I˜ Tpæ kÖ|†2~— Óáy† kñ ?I‚†µ * «? = †¬#? ?*­ @£4leÚ dw" †¯ šZûgÍKD Ñ2Ë^E õ-H—x €wÈôT„ bS &½xË -Z“yð ßwö IÖ>†:-þ Šu KKKKdw" qîX†-h‚ K^R® ¶^‹VxBÄ ƒ=#†/y¯pur †Ž²® †‘'FfÆx-ZùdÄy‹(˜û)Fk{Z†fV¼Ü-ºp—'ºE†¬4Ô!~Qœ2H`ô?I‚‡be†˜@œÂFK-<"ŸˆlÝqÒu®Ëy/†x{øš]^ž~76=&†Ÿ³Í` [¢ ëRH&<Ñ^êØOC!†ùd{Õ/Ì"ïªþ[ëµhÜ2†™dª‰¥t†€wÈ8I˜ (fÜtl(†‚þÈ}¸t¶a9û~ð8— Ú7l±†4ö";ûg)n†Ép7v}gÓXd|•š&žH‰w¯Aâgb÷uáD\*í)#Jb”LåD† )rÞ}†—W•GL$L†rÁQHœ+VÝò„/xCz.›^M~;¦|p%€FZPS7l±pS°#†¬±<>)†¢Sóávj†¥h5h 5†+a«l[µx• xCz‡be˜yFdxLÒy†ÈRAj>´nécR%V“†h¥a9Åó !`†ª}<œqõ}Q =¬7y]‚óRŽ-†É.¾zfÖ7¡½ ôe ­o[KH,~†HmPM~† MgÉ=Õj†Ö>m©?[%†­'w…Jo8xdŒ‡Lòy2\gQwez+™¾P]74™`A®émÞ!†|zè©Z:½*úÇB!†g;cq‘QQ£HûNK^R+a¥X„T aNŠGAP†y8”½xË †ÿS¹ãdëŽÏz†¸J„VZq†êT\ ~†ÜaV'Po†_m4áiÅwÁÃTkPBÇ` RQ1èýYn†pur Äp}†Àá ureP†&>!¬Z[FxX)!ÇB!x{øEC!©T‹K†ØOC!±vÚ>b(P!ä+]!é3îl „!NRÝQémÞ!ØJ#†g-í!òf³dÊ[z"·U&z†6'"´ZY†Q —"jI _†™m³"ä+]!Ý&»"û)†Õ/Ì"|zès\ÿ"=VÑG†§~#ã)9~†ŽK#» è+†I3#¬#? ƒ=#øi\;ØJ#p%€sHˆ#Áí†2K‹#¦|#RY †pS°#PBÇ¢9õ#üsa†D $É°yJ!4$â`„%†qG$÷EP$ÿ"e<�@VŒ$:*­$þ[ë†p½$¢]'†©?[%3eá?Z]%â`„%vd†I1%¥lYK-,ª%Ò,½=†­lÍ%ÐzÜ@ÓXñ%Ü!0†E&pOQÐbS &Øb*&Tâ(6=&­'w«RH&2\¤qP&nYvC†­tˆ&݉&¢]'÷EP$†tWˆ'~d:(éR·'ñkL†í>ß'׍5ÛLß'”tAz†ÂW (R‰@†~d:(ã _(iT~tl(ëx¹,†dM´(úTâ(ÉpIê(Óé]†a#ù(Áj¹`†<>)^E †çW)!,©f†˜Ø)­lÍ%†í)MQ{Œ"*Ú^ói†²LE*^lÍXÑNE*N9†È^Ñ*›:8T†ª[?+‚v+Œýo†(S…+QHœ+Î`»+q¥f» è+{pˆ¢C,@½I†ñ#,¡Dq[mK,+@p‘qb,ˆd&dè Ÿ,Ö>m†ëx¹,¯ {uò,˜@œQ>,-÷m4-rtÌHÂFK-óRŽ-œJëN†2@—-çgGc†Åš-X*ˆy†¼Ü->o.-Dt†îtÂ.¦–z]È.¥X„†<}7/d|•†Ëy/dS}†ò„/: o=tjÝ/0ÞU0{zúOÜ!0ÈRAN+0gY|†5J90Ï$Œ}†;1š0ô©EFw2 þZ†>2"OÊM29!"e¼W°2¯f\µhÜ2NÜ~øw×3ui‹†+æ3DjìUû3ÅóX@£4‡;¿4åd5†ºpÇ4@L†5h 5‡^B^† -A5¦PV5åd5tWˆ'׍5ÎÂ5MD-†BÌ5IìD†ÇVï5 -A5“a 6”`dñ#6ghCH†81„6‰&7͇6ça†r!Ÿ6Q1膦@é6Xxî6)1:t‰&7˜XÐ\£~74\ƒ7bD9T=rÞ7€´Gr F8c©]†…Jo8û~ð8ïª ó8šÔB†N9?OiêQß9¯A:ÐKx_†s›:KKKKÎ3ù:±!‹q÷O";¬4MJJ O;øi\;Ù%§|c;÷qÆvIu;ªRUÆ;ž~7†[UïU¼`fR>í>ß'IÖ>R]†±vÚ>lrBØMT?<#iq!{’?P[5=†TFž?­tˆ&Ÿ?½*ú†O-Â?ØMT?‘Sá? 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