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Ó¯ÓÜThe China Journal
Volume 83, Issue 1, Jan 2020
1. Title: United Front Work and Mechanisms of Countermobilization in Hong Kong
Authors: Cheng, Edmund W.
Abstract:This article examines the Hong Kong regime s mechanisms of countermobilization as a reaction to and preemptive strike against dissent. It reveals how united front work historically rooted in Chinese Communist Party apparatuses has penetrated into Hong Kong. The PRC s Liaison Office in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong government have established a hierarchical yet dispersed platform to combine repression with outsourced contention. Hong Kong s regime demonstrates its resilience in how it and the Liaison Office s united front apparatus recruit nonstate actors to constrain opposition from below through both carrots and sticks. More broadly, the article unpacks how the regime s mechanisms of patronage, counterprotest, attrition, and stigmatization operate. While these regime repertoires have curtailed organized resistance during some periods, they have also eroded the regime s legitimacy, exposing it to the re-eruption of protests. The article concludes by assessing how the pro-government united front alliance was utilized during the unprecedented summer of dissent in 2019 over a proposed extradition law.
2. Title: Domestic Instability as a Key Factor Shaping China s Decision to Enter the Korean War
Authors: Son Daekwon.
Abstract: This study explores the domestic determinants of China s intervention in the Korean War. Since the war, scholars have produced a large number of studies on the motivations behind China s intervention in the war. These previous studies paid scant attention to domestic aspects, all of them assuming, albeit implicitly, that Party leaders could readily harness all available domestic resources and devote them to their political ends and that the public was willing to sacrifice their material resources and lives in order to satisfy the leaders political goals. By contrast, this study, based on extensive newly unearthed archival documents, argues that very unfavorable domestic circumstances helped shape the CCP s strategy both before and after the outbreak of the Korean War. The domestic challenges not only provided the rationale for the CCP s opposition to Kim Il-Sung s Korean War plan before June 1950 but also gave an internal impetus for China s vacillation in decision making and affected Mao s final proactive decision to enter the war in October 1950.
3. Title: The Unintended Consequences of Politicization of the Belt and Road s China-Europe Freight Train Initiative
Authors: Yin-nor, Linda Tjia.
Abstract: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been widely criticized as a purely strategic project to enhance China s international influence. Focusing on an ongoing yet underresearched signature BRI project, the China-Europe freight train routes, this article challenges such a sweeping characterization, which has masked the complexities of the reality. The freight initiative arose from local-level actors in multiple sites as a cost-effective means to make use of preexisting rail tracks across Asia to enhance transport efficiency. Their efforts later metamorphosed into what today looks like a grand unified project, politicized by the national government and subsidized by competing provincial capitals. The article provides an explanation for the complex consequences of the freight train project s politicization.
4. Title: Provincial Power in a Centralizing China: The Politics of Domestic and International Development Space
Authors: Jaros, Kyle A; Tan, Yeling.
Abstract: In a Xi Jinping era of rising central power and policy activism, what role is left for Chinese provinces? This article argues that, notwithstanding centralizing tendencies, China s recent economic development trajectory cannot be understood without taking into account the distinctive policy roles and priorities of provincial governments. Successive waves of governance restructuring have in many ways strengthened rather than weakened provincial authorities, reinforcing their role as central-local gatekeepers within China s political economy. In particular, we draw attention to the ways that provinces create and shape development space ( fazhan kongjian ÑSU\zzô•) for different industries and localities and alter the contours of China s international economic engagement. We explore how provinces use their position as brokers of development space to concentrate investment in privileged areas of the economy while neglecting other aspects of development, deviating from central priorities in the process. Using case studies about industrial policy, rural development, and foreign economic relations, we show how even in an era of centralism provinces developmental drive remains untamed.
5. Title: Business Lobbying within the Party-State: Embedding Lobbying and Political Co-optation in China
Authors: Huang, Dongya; Chen, Minglu.
Abstract: Most existing scholarship regards private businesspeople in China as allies of the party-state, without considering how the private sector s policy influence is possible in an authoritarian state where the political elites dominate the policy-making process. Based on the large number of successful proposals that the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) has submitted to the Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference, this study reveals the rising policy influence of private businesspeople in the past decade. It finds that their influence on government policy is not realized simply through collusion or informal ties with local governments at the stage of policy implementation. Instead, they now can voice their interests and exert influence as a group in national policy making at the central level through formal institutional channels. In recent years the influence of business associations affiliated with the ACFIC has been increasing, mainly due to institutional changes at the national level that encompass their input. This entails political co-optation that helps empower the private sector to exert influence on policy, rendering it unnecessary for the business community to challenge the political system from the bottom up.
6. Title: Growing Up in (and Out of) Shenzhen: The Longer-Term Impacts of Rural-Urban Migration on Education and Labor Market Entry
Authors: Goodburn, Charlotte.
Abstract: Extensive research has shown that rural-to-urban migrant children in China face significant barriers to an urban public primary school education and often end up in poor-quality, migrant-run private schools. However, much less is known about what happens after children leave junior high school. This article therefore draws on two rounds of interviews with migrant children educated in Shenzhen, in 2008 9 and then in 2015 16, to examine in detail their experiences of schooling and labor-market entry. It identifies four distinct pathways of education state vocational school, private migrant secondary school, state academic high school, and return to the countryside for further schooling and suggests that these educational routes all ultimately lead to the same endpoint: regardless of pathway, aptitude, financial investment in education, and earlier career aspirations, migrant youths are channeled into low-skilled urban service work. This is in marked contrast to the hopes of parents that their children will achieve upward mobility through investment in education. This article analyzes the multiple reasons for the depressing uniformity of outcomes and the crucial role of state policy at both the central and local levels in perpetuating migrant disadvantage.
7. Title: Polarized Cities: Portraits of Rich and Poor in Urban China
Authors: Davis, Deborah.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Polarized Cities: Portraits of Rich and Poor in Urban China by Dorothy J. Solinger.
8. Title: Gender and Employment in Rural China
Authors: Bossen, Laurel.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Gender and Employment in Rural China by Jing Song.
9. Title: Elderly Care, Intergenerational Relationships and Social Change in Rural China
Authors: Leung, Joe.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Elderly Care, Intergenerational Relationships and Social Change in Rural China by Fang Cao.
10. Title: Gao Village Revisited: The Life of Rural People in Contemporary China
Authors: Zhang, Jiayan.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Gao Village Revisited: The Life of Rural People in Contemporary China by Mobo C. F. Gao.
11. Title: Red China's Green Revolution: Technological Innovation, Institutional Change, and Economic Development under the Commune
Authors: Delman, Jørgen.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Red China's Green Revolution: Technological Innovation, Institutional Change, and Economic Development under the Commune by Joshua Eisenman.
12. Title: A Political Economy of the United States, China, and India: Prosperity with Inequality
Authors: Bose, Annavajhula J. C.
Abstract: The article reviews the book A Political Economy of the United States, China, and India: Prosperity with Inequality by Shalendra D. Sharma.
13. Title: Education in China
Authors: Postiglione, Gerard.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Education in China: Philosophy, Politics and Culture by Janette Ryan.
14. Title: China's Dream: The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of Its Power
Authors: Levine, Steven I.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's Dream: The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of Its Power by Kerry Brown.
15. Title: The Logic of Chinese Politics: Cores, Peripheries, and Peaceful Rising
Authors: Buzan, Barry.
Abstract: The article reviews the book The Logic of Chinese Politics: Cores, Peripheries, and Peaceful Rising by Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk and Peter W. Preston.
16. Title: The Cambridge History of Communism, Vol. I: World Revolution and Socialism in One Country, 1917 1941.
Authors: Unger, Jonathan.
Abstract: The article reviews the book The Cambridge History of Communism, Vol. I: World Revolution and Socialism in One Country, 1917 1941 by Silvio Pons and Stephen A. Smith.
17. Title: Chinese Perspectives on the International Rule of Law: Law and Politics in the One-Party State
Authors: Potter, Pitman B.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Chinese Perspectives on the International Rule of Law: Law and Politics in the One-Party State by Matthieu Burnay.
18. Title: Politics of Renewable Energy in China
Authors: Andrews-Speed, Philip.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Politics of Renewable Energy in China by Chen Gang.
19. Title: Titans of the Climate: Explaining Policy Process in the United States and China
Authors: Wu, Fengshi.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Titans of the Climate: Explaining Policy Process in the United States and China by Kelly Sims Gallagher and Xiaowei Xuan.
20. Title: Incentivized Development in China: Leaders, Governance, and Growth in China's Counties
Authors: Manion, Melanie.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Incentivized Development in China: Leaders, Governance, and Growth in China's Counties by David J. Bulman.
21. Title: China's 40 Years of Reform and Development: 1978 2018
Authors: Holz, Carsten A.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's 40 Years of Reform and Development: 1978 2018 by Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song, and Cai Fang.
22. Title: Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China
Authors: Torres de Oliveira, Rui.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China by Kimberly Chong.
23. Title: China's Media in the Emerging World Order
Authors: Liu, Zhaoxi (Josie).
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's Media in the Emerging World Order by Hugo de Burgh.
24. Title: Information Fantasies: Precarious Mediation in Postsocialist China
Authors: Qiu, Jack.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Information Fantasies: Precarious Mediation in Postsocialist China by Xiao Liu.
25. Title: Organic Food and Farming in China: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Ecological Initiatives
Authors: Smith, Graeme.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Organic Food and Farming in China: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Ecological Initiatives by Steffanie Scott, Zhenzhong Si, Theresa Schumilas, and Aijuan Chen.
26. Title: GMO China: How Global Debates Transformed China's Agricultural Biotechnology Policies
Authors: Delman, Jørgen.
Abstract: The article reviews the book GMO China: How Global Debates Transformed China's Agricultural Biotechnology Policies by Cong Cao.
27. Title: Fixing Landscape: A Techno-Poetic History of China's Three Gorges
Authors: Ortells-Nicolau, Xavier.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Fixing Landscape: A Techno-Poetic History of China's Three Gorges by Corey Byrnes.
28. Title: Heritage and Romantic Consumption in China
Authors: Oakes, Tim.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Heritage and Romantic Consumption in China by Yujie Zhu.
29. Title: Song King: Connecting People, Places, and Past in Contemporary China
Authors: Gorfinkel, Lauren.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Song King: Connecting People, Places, and Past in Contemporary China by Levi S. Gibbs.
30. Title: Wang Meng: A Life; The Memoir of One of Contemporary China's Greatest Writers and Former Minister of Culture
Authors: Larson, Wendy.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Wang Meng: A Life; The Memoir of One of Contemporary China's Greatest Writers and Former Minister of Culture by Zhu Hong and Liu Haiming.
31. Title: The Making and Remaking of China's "Red Classics": Politics, Aesthetics, and Mass Culture
Authors: Mittler, Barbara.
Abstract: The article reviews the book The Making and Remaking of China's 'Red Classics': Politics, Aesthetics, and Mass Culture by Rosemary Roberts, and Li Li.
32. Title: How the Red Sun Rose: The Origins and Development of the Yan'an Rectification Movement, 1930 1945
Authors: Saich, Tony.
Abstract: The article reviews the book How the Red Sun Rose: The Origins and Development of the Yan'an Rectification Movement, 1930 1945 by Hua Gao, Stacey Mosher, and Guo Jian.
33. Title: Inheritance of Loss: China, Japan, and the Political Economy of Redemption after Empire
Authors: Schwarcz, Vera.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Inheritance of Loss: China, Japan, and the Political Economy of Redemption after Empire by Yukiko Koga.
34. Title: Down with Traitors: Justice and Nationalism in Wartime China
Authors: Coble, Parks M.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Down with Traitors: Justice and Nationalism in Wartime China by Yun Xia.
35. Title: Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939 1949
Authors: Xu, Yamin.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939 1949 by Di Wang.
36. Title: China's War on Smuggling: Law, Economic Life, and the Making of the Modern State, 1842 1965
Authors: Zheng, Yanqiu.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's War on Smuggling: Law, Economic Life, and the Making of the Modern State, 1842 1965 by Philip Thai.
37. Title: The Invention of Madness: State, Society, and the Insane in Modern China
Authors: Blowers, Geoffrey.
Abstract: The article reviews the book The Invention of Madness: State, Society, and the Insane in Modern China by Emily Baum.
38. Title: War and Geopolitics in Interwar Manchuria: Zhang Zuolin and the Fengtian Clique during the Northern Expedition
Authors: Büttner, Clemens.
Abstract: The article reviews the book War and Geopolitics in Interwar Manchuria: Zhang Zuolin and the Fengtian Clique during the Northern Expedition by Kwong Chi Man.
39. Title: Lesser Dragons: Minority Peoples of China
Authors: Mackerras, Colin.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Lesser Dragons: Minority Peoples of China by Michael Dillon.
40. Title: Natural Resources and the New Frontier: Constructing Modern China's Borderlands
Authors: Millward, James.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Natural Resources and the New Frontier: Constructing Modern China's Borderlands by Judd C. Kinzley.
41. Title: Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in China: Domestic and Foreign Policy Dimensions
Authors: Schwarck, Edward.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in China: Domestic and Foreign Policy Dimensions by Michael Clarke.
42. Title: China's Eurasian Dilemmas: Roads and Risks for a Sustainable Global Power
Authors: Chan, Gerald.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's Eurasian Dilemmas: Roads and Risks for a Sustainable Global Power by R. James Ferguson.
43. Title: China's Global Identity: Considering the Responsibilities of Great Power
Authors: Brown, Kerry.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's Global Identity: Considering the Responsibilities of Great Power by Hoo Tiang Boon.
44. Title: China's Rise and Australia-Japan-US Relations: Primacy and Leadership in East Asia
Authors: Blaxland, John.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's Rise and Australia-Japan-US Relations: Primacy and Leadership in East Asia by Michael Heazle, and Andrew O Neil.
45. Title: Rising China's Influence in Developing Asia
Authors: Eisenman, Joshua.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Rising China's Influence in Developing Asia by Evelyn Goh.
46. Title: China's Footprints in Southeast Asia
Authors: Lim, Alvin Cheng-Hin.
Abstract: The article reviews the book China's Footprints in Southeast Asia by Maria Serena I. Diokno, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, and Alan Hao Yang.
47. Title: Dividing ASEAN and Conquering the South China Sea: China's Financial Power Projection
Authors: Buszynski, Leszek.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Dividing ASEAN and Conquering the South China Sea: China's Financial Power Projection by Daniel C. O Neill.
48. Title: Building a Normative Order in the South China Sea: Evolving Disputes, Expanding Options
Authors: Rosenberg, David.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Building a Normative Order in the South China Sea: Evolving Disputes, Expanding Options by Tran Truong Thuy, John B. Welfield, and Le Thuy Trang.
49. Title: Challenged Hegemony: The United States, China, and Russia in the Persian Gulf
Authors: Ghafouri, Mahmoud.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Challenged Hegemony: The United States, China, and Russia in the Persian Gulf by Steve A. Yetiv, and Katerina Oskarsson.
50. Title: A City Mismanaged: Hong Kong's Struggle for Survival
Authors: Yep, Ray.
Abstract: The article reviews the book A City Mismanaged: Hong Kong's Struggle for Survival by Leo F. Goodstadt.
51. Title: Screening Communities: Negotiating Narratives of Empire, Nation, and the Cold War in Hong Kong Cinema
Authors: Bettinson, Gary.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Screening Communities: Negotiating Narratives of Empire, Nation, and the Cold War in Hong Kong Cinema by Jing Jing Chang.
52. Title: A Medical History of Hong Kong: 1842 1941
Authors: Yip, Ka-che.
Abstract: The article reviews the book A Medical History of Hong Kong: 1842 1941 by Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung.
53. Title: Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration, and Re-migration across China's Borders
Authors: Barabantseva, Elena.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration, and Re-migration across China's Borders by Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho.
54. Title: Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US
Authors: Huntsinger, Carol S.
Abstract: The article reviews the book Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US by Pei-Chia Lan.
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